A DNA Test Changed his Life

S2 Ep. 12: Michael

Michael was adopted in 1961 in Illinois. He was raised with two younger sisters, one adopted and one bio. He moved to Southern California when he was five. He has been married for thirty six years and has three wonderful children and one granddaughter. Michael worked in the television industry for many years and moved his family to Atlanta work on the Olympics and he never left Atlanta.

Around twenty-two years ago Michael started running, biking and swimming. One thing led to another and he started doing Iron Man triathlons and is currently training for one this year. If you asked him to describe himself 2 1/2 years ago he would say “A husband, father, grandfather & athlete”. He did both 'Ancestry' and '23 and Me' out of curiosity, never was searching for family then there was a match on 23andMe and life changed forever! Now he describes himself as ADOPTED, husband, father, grandfather & athlete.

Thank you to our current Patreon donors for their support.

They are: Laura Christensen, Barbara Frank, Ramona Evans, Linda Pevac, Blonde Records, Denise Cruz-Castino, Daphne Keys, Denise Hewitt, Michelle Styles, Emily Sinagra, Linda David, John Frey, Eric David, Beth Figuls, Ron Schneider, Tony Corsentino, Krisi Reed, Kristin Steinhilber, Jane Bofenkamp, Kelley Brickfield, Sandra de Quesada and The Harpy.

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