Finding a Sense of Self

S2 Ep. 11: Carolina

Carolina Khan is a transnational adoptee from Palmira, Colombia. As early as she can recall, she has always been informed of her adoption that took place at 18 months old. What she was not informed of were her circumstances surrounding her adoption and most importantly where her natural mother was and where she could be found. Why was adoption her story? Carolina had made it her priority to receive support and work through her own adoption trauma. Ultimately, she finds herself wanting to share her process of gaining her identity as a Colombian woman, sense of self, individuation and healing.

Thank you to our current Patreon donors for their support.

They are: Laura Christensen, Barbara Frank, Ramona Evans, Linda Pevac, Blonde Records, Denise Cruz-Castino, Daphne Keys, Denise Hewitt, Michelle Styles, Emily Sinagra, Linda David, John Frey, Eric David, Beth Figuls, Ron Schneider, Tony Corsentino, Krisi Reed, Kristin Steinhilber, Jane Bofenkamp, Kelley Brickfield, Sandra de Quesada and The Harpy.

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