Valerie: Mystic Masquerade, An Adoptee's Search for Truth

S7, Ep. 3: Valerie

Valerie Naiman is an adoptee, singer, story-songwriter, eco-village founder, ontologist, and author. Her #1 bestseller book, Mystic Masquerade, an Adoptee's Search for Truth, was based on five decades of a search that took her around the world as she unraveled the mystery of her stolen identity. 

Valerie holds a master's degree in Art and worked as a costume designer and actress in film and theatre in NY, Miami & LA. She’s the President of the Spirit Foundation, a non-profit that supports disenfranchised children..She also leads seekers to sacred sites in the USA and abroad. In 1990 she had an intense vision that ended up founding the first Eco-village in North America.

Through all of her adventures, she journaled her findings as she excavated her biological and spiritual identity. 

Presently, Valerie is completing an audiobook version of Mystic Masquerade and producing an album of story songs about her search. She now lives on a small organic farm in Asheville, NC with her dwarf goats and honeybees.

Valerie's Book Trailer and Website
Instagram @valnaimanauthor and Facebook @valnaimanauthor

To skip ahead to the interview go to timestamp: 15:29

Relinquished: The Politics of Adoption and the Privilege of American Motherhood, by Gretchen Sisson

S12F Helping Adoptees
Gregory Luce and Adoptees Rights Law
Joe Soll & other adoptee resources
Fireside Adoptees Facebook Group
Reckoning with the Primal Wound Documentary

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