An Adoptee Raised by an Adoptee

S2 Ep. 9: Beth

Beth Figuls is a technical writer and aspiring novelist/memoirist from Los Angeles. A Baby Scoop-era adoptee, she was raised by a father who was also an adoptee, and who had lived in an orphanage for a time when he was very young. She searched for and found her birthmother, as well as siblings from both sides of her birth families. She strongly believes that adoptees have a right to know who they are. She is very interested in exploring intergenerational trauma, loss, and adoptee personhood in her memoir-in-progress.

Thank you to our current Patreon donors for their support.

They are: Laura Christensen, Barbara Frank, Ramona Evans, Linda Pevac, Blonde Records, Denise Cruz-Castino, Daphne Keys, Denise Hewitt, Michelle Styles, Emily Sinagra, Linda David, John Frey, Eric David, Beth Figuls, Ron Schneider, Tony Corsentino, Krisi Reed, Kristin Steinhilber, Jane Bofenkamp, Kelley Brickfield, Sandra de Quesada and The Harpy.

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