The Dark Side of Foster Care

S2 Ep. 6: Mikayla

Mikayla Mains is a dancer teacher, small business owner and SAHM. She was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri where she now resides with her husband and two children. After spending years in and out of the foster care system, she was adopted at age 12 to a large family in which she became the 10th child. She battled with questions about her past for years until she finally found her biological mother on Facebook and began to piece things together. She now wants to dedicate herself to educating others on the dark sides of foster care, advocating for those still in it and shed light on the emotional scars it can leave even after adoption.

Thank you to our current Patreon donors for their support.

They are: Laura Christensen, Barbara Frank, Ramona Evans, Linda Pevac, Blonde Records, Denise Cruz-Castino, Daphne Keys, Denise Hewitt, Michelle Styles, Emily Sinagra, Linda David, John Frey, Eric David, Beth Figuls, Ron Schneider, Tony Corsentino, Krisi Reed, Kristin Steinhilber and The Harpy.

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