Andrea: A Journey to Uncover the Truth
S9, Ep. 9: Andrea
Born in 1976, Andrea is a same-race, domestic adoptee with international roots. Andrea's birth mother was from Greece and traveled to Sacramento, California, where she gave birth to and relinquished Andrea before promptly leaving the U.S. Raised as an only child in her adoptive family, Andrea spent most of her life understanding her adoption story as a single narrative about how a couple who couldn't have a child of their own "chose" her. It wasn't until the birth of her daughter in 2010 that Andrea started asking questions about her relinquishment and her birth mother's story. Andrea reunited with her birth mother Voula in Greece in 2019, three years before Voula died.
Andrea has spent the better part of her forties uncovering the details of Voula's journey to the United States and back to Greece, in an effort to understand where Andrea can call home. Ultimately landing halfway between California and Greece, Andrea has made her home in Queens, New York, where she lives with her husband and daughter and teaches academic writing to college students. She has begun writing about her adoption journey for the Adoptee Voices E-Zine. She is grateful for adoptee communities, like the one created by Adoption the Making of Me, where adopted people can share their stories.
You Should Be Grateful: Stories of Race, Identity, and Transracial Adoption by Angela Tucker
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RESOURCES for Adoptees
S12F Helping Adoptees
Gregory Luce and Adoptees Rights Law
Joe Soll & other adoptee resources
Fireside Adoptees Facebook Group
Reckoning with the Primal Wound Documentary
Dr. Liz Debetta: Migrating Toward Wholeness Movement
Hiraeth Hope & Healing
Moses Farrow - Trauma therapist and advocate
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-8255 OR Dial or Text 988.
Unraveling Adoption with Beth Syverson
Adoptees Connect with Pamela Karanova