Where Is My Mum?

S4, Ep. 3: Annie

I’m Annie O. O stands for my last name. O is round. It’s a hole I still live in, that I’m not allowed to escape. Why the fuck is that how it has to be?

Adoption has a long history, with a narrative built around it being a celebrated act of love, of charity and saviorism. I rejoice for those who experienced the best of that narrative. However, there is a growing number of investigations and reports that show, for many, adoption is not and has never been, what people are led to believe.

Why must I go to court to gain access to my identity?
Why was it considered necessary to erase my past?
Why are the adopted treated as second-class citizens?
Why are we all repeating this flawed ideology?
Why are only some people considered tabula rasa?

Where the fuck are our mothers and fathers?

Annie's Book

Annie at Parliament (go to the end of the session)

Also in this episode, Sarah and Louise discuss American Baby by Gabrielle Glaser.

Thank you to our sponsor S12F.

Joe Soll & other adoptee resources

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Our Patrons:  Laura Christensen, Barbara Frank, Ramona Evans, Linda Pevac, Blonde Records, Daphne Keys, Denise Hewitt, Michelle Styles, Emily Sinagra, Linda David, John Frey, Eric David, Beth Figuls, Ron Schneider, Tony Corsentino, Kristi Reed,  Kristen Steinhilber, Jane Bofenkamp, Kelley Brickfield, Sandra de Quesada, The Harpy, Kristan Higgin, Lisa Thompson,  Michelle Goodwine, Jesper Laursen, Julie Malone, Rivi Shocket , Robert Perrino,  Colleen McCall, Janet MacDonald, Robin Wells, Lynn Grubb, Mikki Jackson-Brown, Sharon Katzmann, Carol Levitt, Elizabeth McDonald and Darra Robinson.


Phantom Parents: An Adoptee Connects the Dots


Home Sweet Casa: A Colombian Adoptee Shares Her Story